We live in a country where we value our free speech and the right to criticize our elected officials. Well, in Maple Heights government, you've been given notice ... criticize, voice concern ... and you may be looking at a lawsuit.
I don't know about you, but for many, to feel that your criticisms, your concerns may place you in a courtroom, is intimidating and is an attempt to stifle not only dissent, but to prevent transparency in government. If you fear that there may be monetary repercussions, or some kind of retribution for asking questions, or speaking out against what you perceive as an injustice or smear campaign against another, or speaking out about what you perceive are discriminatory practices, you may just stop asking questions, voicing concerns, or criticizing.
But that's what they want.
We see this happening all across our nation, where residents, ordinary citizens are being intimidated, some even arrested for criticizing their government, and/or their public officials.
I say to you, don't let that stop you. Report this intimidation to the proper authorities. Let those around you know how you feel.
[Information on the Maple Heights financial state audit that was
recently completed (which includes information on the 2009, 9.95 million
dollar note (debt) which now puts Maple Heights over 18 million in debt) ... www.auditor.state.oh.us ]
Is there a pattern that keeps coming up time and time again?
[This mayor himself acknowledges he's sued around 12 and counting.]
[This mayor himself acknowledges he's sued around 12 and counting.]
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