Sunday, October 9, 2011

Get Ready for the Expose of the Reign of Three Kings

Now I'll admit this is a teaser title.  You know how this club loves to zero in on a really good story.  You also know that for the most part, we've focused on national politics until just recently.  That's why we've called this blog Clevelands Secret Club Part Two.  There will be a lot more focus on the Cleveland area.

For years, certain communities have allowed certain politicians to suck them almost dry.  How did that happen? ... Well, part of that was, people just not paying attention, trusting the people they elected, turning a blind eye, apathy; there's a host of reasons. 

Don't get me wrong, there are some really good people (including politicians) in many of these communities ... however, they may not have shouted enough, may not have protested enough, may have been afraid to seek justice ... and so, we watch as a major scandal unfolds.

Stay tuned ....

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